MicroPython for BeagleConnect Freedom


Project Report for GSoC 2021

Table of contents About Introduction Detailed Implementation Flashing and validating the Zephyr port of MicroPython GPIO Class I2C Class UART Class SPI Class Documentation: Benefits Conclusion Future Improvements References About Student Name: Yadnik Bendale Mentors: Jason Kridner, Deepak Khatri, Tim Orling GSoC entry link: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#6316697687949312 Blog link: https://yadnik1.github.io/Yadnik1-GSoC-2021.github.io/ Introductory video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1hBazDr2Bk Proposal link: https://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC_2021/Micropython_for_BeagleConnect_Freedom Introduction BeagleConnect Freedom board is based on the Zephyr Project which is a scalable real-time operating system (RTOS).

Using I2C class to run Click Boards on BeagleConnect Freedom

Table of contents Prerequisites Temperature and Humidity 13 Click Air Quality 4 Click References Prerequisites Before taking the Zephyr Port of MicroPython into use we must flash the MicroPython application firmware,for which you can follow my previous blog To access the prompt over USB-serial you need to use a terminal emulator program. On Windows TeraTerm is a good choice, on Mac you can use the built-in screen program, and Linux has picocom and minicom.

Using GPIO class to run Click Boards on BeagleConnect Freedom

Table of contents Prerequisites Water Detect Click Relay Click References Prerequisites Before taking the Zephyr Port of MicroPython into use we must flash the MicroPython application firmware,for which you can follow my previous blog To access the prompt over USB-serial you need to use a terminal emulator program. On Windows TeraTerm is a good choice, on Mac you can use the built-in screen program, and Linux has picocom and minicom.

Blinking LED using flashed MicroPython Application

Table of contents Prerequisites Blinking on board LED Performing some basic Python operations References Prerequisites Before validating the flashed firmware we must flash the MicroPython application firmware,for which you can follow my previous blog To access the prompt over USB-serial you need to use a terminal emulator program. On Windows TeraTerm is a good choice, on Mac you can use the built-in screen program, and Linux has picocom and minicom.

Building and Flashing Firmware on BeagleConnect Freedom

Table of contents Prerequisites Building the MicoPython application Flashing the MicroPython application References Prerequisites Before performing building and flashing operations we need to make sure that we have installed all the dependencies. For installing all the dependencies you can follow my previous blog or follow zephyr documentation. Since the BeagleConnect Freedom Board has not yet been merged in the Zephyr upstream please clone forked repository once all the remaining dependencies have been installed, remove the zephyr folder from the zephyrproject directory and paste the cloned zephyr folder into it to make sure that our board exists in the board directory while building it.